Turn là gì Update 01/2025

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Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

His wife tried to speak to him, but he turned his back (on her)/turned away (from her) (= moved so that his back, not his face, was towards her to show his anger).
At about three o”clock, the tide started to turn (= the sea started to come closer to or move away from the beach).
She put out the light, turned over (= rolled in order to face in another direction) and went to sleep.

Xem thêm: ” Trực Tính Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ Trực Tính, Nghĩa Của Từ Trực Tính

The companies worked well together for a while, but eventually the relationship turned sour (= became bad).
to use a control to switch a piece of equipment or a power or water supply on or off, or to increase or reduce what it is producing:
an opportunity or a duty to do something at a particular time or in a particular order, before or after other people:
to change the direction in which you are facing or moving, or to cause someone or something to face or move in a different direction:
You say that someone turns a particular color when strong emotion or illness causes that person’s face to appear red, gray, yellow, etc:
to use a control to switch a piece of equipment on or off, or to adjust it to change the amount of what it is producing:
an opportunity or a duty to do something at a particular time or in a particular order, before or after other people:
The first quarter could see a further decline in retail customers, though executives said they were confident the trend will turn.
the difference between a trader’s buying price and selling price for particular shares, currencies, etc.
The degree to which the bias or variance is reduced will in turn affect the rate by which the model”s error will decrease.
It turns out that this difficulty considerably slows down both tasks, as compared to the scenario with positive knowledge radius.
This reorientation, in turn, led to a revision of the concept of error and a radical reappraisal of teacher and learner roles.
These stresses and antisocial behavior may, in turn, cause an increase in children”s internalizing problems through the life course.
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Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với turn.

Xem thêm: Cách Đổi Tên Danh Mục Uncategorized Là Gì, Uncategorized

The left-hand wall-following behaviour carried it round the left-hand turn and the robot was once again following the chemical upwind.
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