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Bạn đang xem: Time consuming là gì
Considering the time–consuming procedure used in adaptive control,13 this paper presents an efficient way for multi-input system”s hysteresis decision to avoid any singularity.
Until recently, locating research or useful practical advice about multilingualism and language learning was a very time–consuming endeavor.
Although it would be time–consuming to undertake, an analysis of such cases might throw light upon the circumstances in which he preferred the reiterated note.
They found that higher-dimensional splines offered significant improvements over standard discretization methods (although for dimensions higher than three, their algorithms are still very time–consuming).
These stochastic estimation procedures are, however, quite time–consuming due to the large number of simulations required to obtain accurate estimates of the parameters.
He enjoyed the latter task, but was occasionally involved in some time–consuming wrangles over money and clashes of personality.
This transient assay allows rapid functional tests and is not dependent on the fastidious and time–consuming generation of stably transformed wheat plants.
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Thus, the prototype machine did not have a usable interface which meant experimentation was time–consuming and error-prone.
I have already mentioned above that some of the artwork is not aligned properly and makes it somewhat time–consuming to study metrical derivations.
Training was costly, time–consuming and inherently risky, since a new skill could quickly become obsolete or fail to attract sufficient work to merit the investment.
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Chuyên mục: Định Nghĩa