Wonder là gì Update 03/2025

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Bạn đang xem: Wonder là gì




wonder /”wʌndə/ danh từ vật kỳ diệu, kỳ quan, vật phi thường; điều kỳ lạ, điều kỳ diệu; kỳ côngthe seven wonders of the world: bảy kỳ quan trên thế giớia wonder of architecture: một kỳ công về kiến trúcto work wonders: làm những việc kỳ lạ; thành công rực rỡfor a wonder: một cách kỳ diệu, thật là kỳ lạ người kỳ diệu, thần đồnga musical wonder: một thần đồng về nhạc sự ngạc nhiên, sự kinh ngạcthat is no wonder: tất nhiên, dĩ nhiên, không có gì lạ, không có gì đáng ngạc nhiênto fill someone with wonder: làm cho ai kinh ngạca nine days” wonder (xem) nine động từ ngạc nhiên, lấy làm lạ, kinh ngạcI dont”t wonder at it: điều đó không làm cho tôi ngạc nhiênI wonder that you never heard of it: tôi lấy làm lạ rằng anh chưa bao giờ nghe nói về điều đóthat”s not to be wondered at: không có gì đáng kinh ngạc cả muốn biết, tự hỏiI wonder who he is?: tôi tự hỏi nó là ai?I wonder whether you can tell me: tôi tự hỏi không biết anh có thể bảo cho tôi biết không
Lĩnh vực: xây dựngkỳ quan

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): wonder, wonderment, wonder, wonderful, wondrous, wonderfully, wondrously

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): wonder, wonderment, wonder, wonderful, wondrous, wonderfully, wondrously



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Từ điển Collocation

wonder noun

1 feeling of surprise/admiration

ADJ. great | childlike, wide-eyed

VERB + WONDER feel | express There aren”t any words to express properly all the wonder that I feel. | gaze in, stare in She gazed down in wonder at the city spread below her. | be filled with, be full of The children”s faces were full of wonder as they gazed up at the Christmas tree.

WONDER + NOUN cure, drug

PREP. in ~ Neville shook his head in wonder at it all | with ~ She held her breath with wonder and delight. | ~ at

PHRASES a feeling/sense of wonder

2 amazing thing/person

ADJ. natural Iceland is full hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural wonders. | scientific | constant, perpetual It was a constant wonder to me that my father didn”t die of exhaustion. | nine days, seven-day She was determined to prove she was no seven-day wonder whose promise would remain unfulfilled. | boy (humorous) (also wonder boy) the new boy wonder of French football | one-hit (humorous) The band aren”t the one-hit wonders some had feared: their second album contains some great rap music.

PHRASES do/work wonders (for sb/sth) The change of diet has done wonders for my skin. A good night”s sleep and a hearty breakfast worked wonders. | the wonders of modern science/technology Thanks to the wonders of modern science, many common diseases will soon be things of the past. | the wonders of the world The palace has been described as the eighth wonder of the world.

Từ điển WordNet



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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

wonders|wondered|wonderingsyn.: doubt gape marvel question stare

Chuyên mục: Định Nghĩa