Wwtp là gì Update 03/2025

Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ gocnhintangphat.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

Bạn đang xem: Wwtp là gì

Heterotrophic systems may be of different size and complexity such as an island, most cities, an oyster reef or a sewage treatment plant.
Similarly, virtually every major industrialized city, town, and village on earth has its own sewage treatment plant.
Mean values of these parameters were compared in infected and uninfected chub from both on site sewage treatment plant experiments and field exposures.
However, he should know that my constituents are concerned about a sewage treatment plant which is not yet in existence.
An agreement night be a more flexible—and therefore more suitable—method of providing in advance for phased expansion of a factory, with corresponding expansion of the local authority”s sewage treatment plant.
The terminal will also feature an in-line baggage scanning system and a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant.
He built public baths, installed a sewage treatment plant and a filtration plant, and the extension of the sewer system.
The vessels feature improved habitability with fully air-conditioned modular accommodation, on board reverse osmosis plant for desalination, and a sewage treatment plant.
Examples of sources in this category include discharges from a sewage treatment plant, a factory, or a city storm drain.
The facility included agricultural use areas, a reservoir, an airport, a cemetery, and a sewage treatment plant.

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