Chief executive officer là gì Update 02/2025

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Xem thêm: Up Rom Là Gì – Vì Sao Nên Up Rom Máy Tại Hcare

the top manager in a company who has the greatest responsibility and makes the most important decisions
the main person responsible for managing a company or organization, who is sometimes also the company”s president or chairman of the board:
appoint sb (as)/make sb chief executive officer In 2009 he was appointed chief executive officer of the Forest Group.

Xem thêm: Máy Chủ Nhà Cung Cấp Wmi Là Gì (Và Nó Có An Toàn Không), Có Nên Tắt Wmi Hay Không

serve as chief executive officer She retired last year after serving as chief executive officer for more than ten years.



Trang nhật ký cá nhân

The icing/frosting on the cake: differences between British and American idioms



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