Specialization là gì Update 02/2025

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Specialization (Econ) Chuyên môn hoá.

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specialization sự chuyên môn hoá
sự chuyên môn hóalabor specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa lao độngLĩnh vực: toán & tinsự đặc biệt hóaeconomic specializationngành kinh tế quốc đânspecialization levelmức độ chuyên môn hóaspecialization leveltrình độ chuyên môn hóachuyên môn hóacomplete specialization: chuyên môn hóa hoàn toànhorizontal international specialization: chuyên môn hóa quốc tế hàng nganghorizontal specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa hàng ngangindustrial specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa công nghiệpinternational specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa quốc tếintra-industry specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa nội ngànhintra-industry specialization: chuyên môn hóa nội ngànhjob specialization: chuyên môn hóa công tácjob specialization: chuyên môn hóa công việcmanagement specialization: chuyên môn hóa quản lýpattern of commodity specialization: mô hình chuyên môn hóa hàng hóaproduction specialization: chuyên môn hóa sản xuấtspecialization of labour: chuyên môn hóa lao độngvertical international specialization: chuyên môn hóa quốc tế hàng dọcvertical specialization: chuyên môn hóa hàng dọcchuyên nghiệp hóasự chuyên môn hóahorizontal specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa hàng ngangindustrial specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa công nghiệpinternational specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa quốc tếintra-industry specialization: sự chuyên môn hóa nội ngành

Thuật ngữ hành chính, văn phòngSpecialization: Chuyên môn hóa

Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): special, specialist, speciality, specialty, specialization, specialism, specialize, special, specialized, specially





Từ điển Collocation

specialization noun

ADJ. increased, increasing | narrow His specialization is too narrow to be of interest to more than a handful of students. | professional | academic | economic There has been increased economic specialization throughout the country. | regional

QUANT. degree The production line involves a high degree of specialization of labour.

PREP. ~ in Her degree is in French, with specialization in seventeenth-century literature.

PHRASES an area of specialization The company has gradually focused on its current areas of specialization.

Từ điển WordNet


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Investopedia Financial Terms

A method ofproduction where a business orarea focuses on the production ofa limitedscopeof products or services in order to gain greater degrees of productive efficiency within the entire system of businesses or areas. Many countries specialize in producing the goods and services that are native to their part of the world. This specialization is the basis of global trade as few countries produce enough goods to be completely self-sufficient.

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Specialization also occurs within the United States, for example, as citrus goods naturally occur in the warmer climate of the South and West, many grain products come from the farms of the Midwest and maple syrup comes from the maple trees of Vermont and New Hampshire. Specialization can also refer toproduction, for example when in a factoryan assembly line is organized in a specialized manner rather than producing the entire product at one production station.

Chuyên mục: Định Nghĩa