Spotting là gì Update 03/2025

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Bạn đang xem: Spotting là gì




spotting sự định tâm
sự đánh dấusự đánh dấu, sự định tâmGiải thích EN: 1. the process of marking a die part with an oil color so that it will fit properly with a mated part.the process of marking a die part with an oil color so that it will fit properly with a mated part.2. the process of laying stabilizer bags down at regular intervals on ground that is to be stabilized.the process of laying stabilizer bags down at regular intervals on ground that is to be stabilized..Giải thích VN: Sự đánh dấu chi tiết chết bằng màu dầu để nó khớp chính xác với chi tiết đối tiếp. 2.phương pháp đặt các túi cân bằng cách đều nhau xuống nền cần ổn định.sự định tâmLĩnh vực: vật lýsự hiện đốmspotting drillmũi khoan điểmspotting drillmũi khoan tâmspotting insơn dặmspotting platetấm nhỏ giọtspotting the loadđịnh vị trí đồ trụcwater spottingđốm nướcwater spottingvệt nướclốm đốmvếttriple spottingba quảng cáo phát liên tiếptriple spottingquảng cáo sáp nhập ba phần



Xem thêm: Total Up To Là Gì ? To Be Up To, To Be Up For


Tra câu | Đọc báo tiếng Anh


Từ điển WordNet



a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertisinga section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance

they changed his spot on the program

a business establishment for entertainment

night spot

a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value

an eight spot


become spotted

This dress spots quickly

mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition

spot the areas that one should clearly identify

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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

spots|spotted|spottingsyn.: discern discolor distinguish identify know mark pick out place recognize sight soil spy stain tell

Chuyên mục: Định Nghĩa