water that flows naturally along a fixed route formed by a channel cut into rock or ground, usually at ground level:
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Bạn đang xem: Stream nghĩa là gì
Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.
a group of school students with similar ability who are approximately the same age and are taught together:
To pick up this signal, you will need a high-speed internet connection to stream it to your computer.
to group and teach together school students with similar abilities who are approximately the same age:
a/the stream of sth A bankruptcy filing would add to the stream of business failures that have plagued corporate America.
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a steady/constant/continuous stream of sth/sb At the moment, we”re seeing a steady stream of people in trouble from refinancings.
to listen to or watch sound or video on a computer, mobile phone, etc. directly from the internet rather than downloading it and saving it first, or to send sound or video in this way:
stream video/music/files You can now use your home wi-fi wireless network to stream music from your PC.
The high nutritional quality of the detrital organic matter in our study stream may result from grazing by tadpoles which enhances nitrogen fluxes.
They found that the amplitude of the dust-acoustic soliton structures decreases significantly with an increase in the dust streaming velocity.
Eels were sampled in the main stream at both sites which were similar in flow rate, stream width and substratum.
The development was carried out for dataflow networks between simple stream domains for ease of presentation.
A topography with similar scales in both the downstream and the cross-stream directions is potentially more relevant to geophysical problems.
Note the velocity larger than free stream outside the slug region and the slow decay of disturbances both up- and downstream.
A timed stream is easily converted to a finer time scale by inserting a certain number of ticks before each element.
For streaming below a certain threshold we determined matched asymptotic expansions for the electric potential, ion number density and ion velocity.
The focus was on meteorology, magnetism, atmospheric science, and ionospheric physics, and investigating the global implications of the newly discovered “jet stream“.
Higher match rates make future consumption streams more affordable and therefore tend to increase current consumption.
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Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với stream.
Xem thêm: Hoành Thánh, Sủi Cảo Là Gì, Phân Biệt Hoành Thánh, Há Cảo, Sủi Cảo
The continued evolution of robot hardware promises a continuing stream of interesting robot models across the range of animal taxa.
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