Struggling là gì Update 03/2025

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Bạn đang xem: Struggling là gì




struggle /”strʌgl/ danh từ sự đấu tranh; cuộc đấu tranh, cuộc chiến đấuthe struggle for independence: cuộc đấu tranh giành độc lậpthe struggle for existence: cuộc đấu tranh sinh tồn nội động từ đấu tranh, chống lạito struggle against imperialism: đấu tranh chống chủ nghĩa đế quốc vùng vẫy; vật lộnthe child struggled and kicked: đứa trẻ vùng vẫy và đạpto struggle for one”s living: vận lộn kiếm sốngto struggle with a mathematical problem: đánh vật với một bài toán cố gắng, gắng sứcto struggle to express oneself: cố gắng diễn đạt, cố gắng phát biểu ý kiến (về một vấn đề gì) di chuyển một cách khó khăn, len quato struggle through the crowd: len qua đám đông

Từ điển chuyên ngành Thể thao: Điền kinh


Ganh đua , phấn đấu

Từ điển chuyên ngành Thể thao: Điền kinh


Ganh đua, phấn đấu



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Tra câu | Đọc báo tiếng Anh


Từ điển Collocation

struggle noun

1 fight

ADJ. great, life-and-death, titanic | bitter, desperate, fierce, heroic, violent There were the sounds of a desperate struggle. | just The UN supported what it saw as the just struggle of an oppressed people. | unequal | armed The group supported the armed struggle against the dictator. | class, internecine Marx wrote about the class struggle. | economic, ideological, leadership, political, power, revolutionary

VERB + STRUGGLE begin, put up, take up If someone snatched your bag, would you put up a struggle? They took up the struggle against racism. | be engaged/locked in, carry on, wage species engaged in a life-or-death struggle with the ever-changing environment

STRUGGLE + VERB ensue, take place | continue, go on | intensify

PREP. in a/the ~ One of the security guards was hurt in the struggle. | without a ~ She won”t give up without a struggle. | ~ against the struggle against fascism | ~ between the struggle between good and evil | ~ for the long struggle for democracy | ~ over a struggle over the property | ~ with He was involved in a struggle with the police.

PHRASES a sign of a struggle The police said that there was no sign of a struggle by the murder victim. | years of struggle After 150 years of struggle against brutal colonial rule, the country won its independence.

2 great effort

ADJ. desperate, great, hard, real, uphill It will be an uphill struggle to maintain exports at the current level. | long | ceaseless, constant, endless | unequal

VERB + STRUGGLE face, have We had a real struggle to get everything into the suitcase. | give up I”ve given up the unequal struggle to keep my house tidy.

PHRASES a bit of a struggle It was a bit of a struggle for me to get there so early.

Từ điển WordNet


strenuous effort

the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her


to exert strenuous effort against opposition

he struggled to get free from the rope

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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

struggles|struggled|strugglingsyn.: attempt battle contend endeavor fight scuffle strive try tussle

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