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Bạn đang xem: Team là gì
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to work together in order to achieve a shared aim, rather than trying to achieve things just for yourself or working against others:
team (up) with sb Some small community hospitals are looking to team up with bigger health care providers.
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team (up) with sb to do sth The shop is teaming with high-end manufacturers to offer exclusive products to its customers.
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Nevertheless, teaching team building and communication skills requires an opportunity to practice these skills in vivo in the educational web4_setting.
The new team-based algorithm took substantially more time to run to completion than the original separable algorithm.
With programmable control, the prosthetic team can create virtually any control scheme that suits a person”s unique abilities.
Typically, it would have been a year when the management team would have had generous bonus payouts.
The e-mail questionnaire was intended to provide the research team with baseline information and as a source for preparing individual-tailored semistructured interviews.
Additional recommendations were often made about training, multidisciplinary teams, contribution to registries, and research, but these were not the focus of the present study.
The transplant team directs the care of its patients regardless of the unit to which they are admitted.
Where face-to-face attendance at team meetings is difficult, access to alternative ways of communicating with other team members will be found.
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Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với team.
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กลุ่มคนทำงานหรือเล่นกีฬาในกลุ่มเดียวกัน, คณะทำงาน, สัตว์ตั้งแต่สองตัวขึ้นไปที่ใช้ในการลากยานพาหนะ…

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