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Bạn đang xem: Toaster là gì
Over the years it has acquired an amazing collection of twentieth-century domestic appliances, radios, toasters and the like, which are piled in dusty arrays through the rooms.
Another example is to be found in household white goods such as washing machines and smaller items such as irons, toasters and other kitchen equipment.
Nurses” toasters were confiscated during the fire dispute because they caused so many alarms to go off.
Labelling would be of little use on those appliances that have small electricity consumption—for example, toasters and blenders.
Another case was brought against an official who had accepted a couple of electric kettles and a toaster.
I would point out that although import penetration has increased with hair driers it has fallen in the other two categories, namely toasters and irons.
Prestige, the cooking utensils firm, produced a range of well-manufactured kettles, electric toasters and so on.
I am assuming that electric toasters are included in this list—cooking apparatus with heating elements —but if they are not, they are allied and the argument is similar.
The rate of reward was a free kettle for one operator recruited, a toaster for the second new employee, and a dishwasher when six operators were recruited.
It is licensed to produce up to one kilowatt of thermal power, comparable to the energy demand of a hair dryer or a toaster.
Old motorcycles, tires, sand-filled rubber gloves, a camera, a golf club and a toaster are some of the items that protrude from the castle.
With permanent modifications a toaster oven can be used as a reflow oven for the purpose of soldering electronic components to circuit boards.
Xem thêm: Tất Niên Là Gì – Thực Đơn Tất Niên Tại Nhà
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(someone who has) a natural ability to be good at something, especially without being taught
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