the first person to do something or go somewhere, who shows that it is also possible for other people:
Bạn đang xem: Trailblazer là gì
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Of the 60 original trailblazers, we now have 57 up and running and another three are about to start.
Those are the trailblazers for the entrepreneurial flair and ability that are supposed to be coming into the system.
We are already encouraging other units of delivery to adopt for their own gateways the successful aspects of the trailblazer approach.
As the first democratically accountable development agency, it will be a trailblazer for the other regional development agencies.
They have been trailblazers, and if other authorities followed their lead more effectively, further action would be taken in bringing empty properties back into use.
We are pleased that important manufacturing interests such as textiles, oil and gas production, refining and distribution and chemicals manufacture are represented amongst the trailblazers.
In many ways, it is a trailblazer for what is about to happen under the reform of health authorities into strategic health authorities.
Trailblazers are about developing in young people the kind of soft skills that employers tell us that they want.
I am delighted that the industry has done so well in achieving trailblazer status for the sector skills council.
It was a trailblazer in terms of trying to define our armed forces and the way in which we ensure that they have the necessary equipment.
The area in question will be a trailblazer, frontrunner and pioneer of a new way of approaching the design of health care services and their implementation.
A study of a small group of parents in eight of the trailblazer programmes found that sure start had given both parents and children more confidence.
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If you have a sweet tooth, you like eating sweet foods, especially sweets and chocolate.
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