Treat yourself là gì Update 02/2025

To “treat yourself” means to do something good and pleasurable for yourself, but not something necessary.

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Treat yourself

It’s time to treat yourself! If your ears just perked up with excitement, then you probably know what today’s phrase means. To treat yourself means to do something good and pleasurable for yourself, but not something necessary. Something you do just for the enjoyment of it.

You might treat yourself to an ice cream cone one night. This is something you do just for the pleasure—there really is no other reason to eat ice cream. If you like grilled chicken, you don’t generally say you “treat yourself” to a piece of grilled chicken. It’s not a treat because it’s something you’d eat anyway; it’s not special. Get right to the point

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Earlier, I said that many people consider a long night’s sleep a treat. You can treat yourself to a long night of sleep. But actually, a long night of sleep is necessary for your help. That’s why this attitude is wrong. If you believe that you can “treat yourself” to a long night’s sleep, that means you don’t recognize the true physical and mental benefits to sleep. Some people think that a full night’s sleep is just a luxury; they think it’s not really necessary. So they “treat themselves” to a full night’s sleep every once in a while—the same way they’d treat themselves to an ice cream cone.

But we learned today that this is not the right attitude—that a full night’s sleep is not a luxury, but rather an essential component of your physical and mental health.

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Quote of the Week

You knew I was going to pick a sleep-related quote, right? This one does appear in the book, “Why We Sleep,” and it’s a quote from someone long ago. I’m going to read you the quote. It’s kind of long. But as you listen to it, think about how closely this hews to the current scientific knowledge and findings. When it’s done, I’ll tell you who said it—and in what year.

Ok, here we go:

“It is a curious fact…that the interval of a single night will greatly increase the strength of the memory….Whatever the cause, things which could not be recalled on the spot are easily coordinated the next day, and time itself, which is generally one of the causes of forgetfulness, actually serves to strengthen the memory.”

That sounds like it might have been written as the introduction to a scientific paper on the findings about sleep. But no. In fact, that was Quintilian, a Roman educator who lived in modern-day Spain, from about the year 35 to the year 100 A.D. He lived almost two thousand years ago! And he could recognize that a good night’s sleep could increase the memory. And here we are in the year 2020 with our sleep-deprived life and constant interruptions, discovering things that Quintilian could have told us when he lived so long ago. So here’s the first part of the quote again, “It is a curious fact…that the interval of a single night will greatly increase the strength of the memory” by the Roman educator Quintilian.

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