Well then là gì Update 03/2025

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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 – English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary


well I.

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well1 S1 W1 /wel/ BrE AmE adverb (comparative better /ˈbetə $ -ər/, superlative best /best/) 1. SATISFACTORILY in a successful or satisfactory way: Did you sleep well? James reads quite well for his age. All the team played very well today. Simon doesn’t work well under pressure. The festival was very well organized. The concert went very well. gocnhintangphat.com. THOROUGHLY in a thorough way: Mix the flour and butter well. I know Birmingham quite well. 3. A LOT a) a lot, or to a great degree well before/after/above/below etc Stand well back from the bonfire. It was well after 1gocnhintangphat.com o”clock when they arrived. The village is well below sea level. The amphitheatre is well worth a visit. I’m well aware of the problems involved. I went out and got well and truly (=completely) drunk. b) British English informal very: That was well funny! 4. do well a) to be successful, especially in work or business: He’s doing very well at college. Elizabeth’s done well for herself since she moved to London. b) if someone who has been ill is doing well, they are becoming healthy again: He had the operation yesterday, and he’s doing very well. 5. as well in addition to something or someone else: Why don’t you come along as well? REGISTER As well is used mostly in spoken English. In written English, people usually prefer to use also: ▪ Parents are also welcome. 6. as well as something/somebody in addition to something or someone else: They own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain. as well as doing something The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities. 7. may/might/could well used to say that something is likely to happen or is likely to be true: What you say may well be true. You could try the drugstore, but it might well be closed by now. 8. may/might/could (just) as well a) informal used when you do not particularly want to do something but you decide you should do it: I suppose we may as well get started. b) used to mean that another course of action would have an equally good result: The taxi was so slow we might just as well have gone on the bus. 9. can’t very well (do something) used to say that you cannot do something because it would be unacceptable: I can’t very well tell him we don’t want him at the party! 10. know full/perfectly well used to say that someone does know something even though they are behaving as if they do not: You know full well what I mean. 11. speak/think well of somebody to talk about someone in an approving way or to have a favourable opinion of them: Sue has always spoken well of you. 1gocnhintangphat.com. well done!/well played! spoken used to praise someone when you think they have done something very well 13. well said! spoken used to say that you agree with what someone has just said, or that you admire them for saying it 14. be well away British English informal a) to be making good progress: If we can get that grant from the local authority, we’ll be well away. b) to be very drunk 15. be well in with somebody informal to have a friendly relationship with someone, especially someone important: She’s very well in with members of the management committee. 16. be well out of something British English spoken to be lucky to no longer be involved in a particular situation 17. be well up in/on something informal especially British English to know a lot about a particular subject: Geoff’s always been well up on the lnternet. 18. as well somebody might/may formal used to say that there is a good reason for someone’s feelings or reactions: Marilyn looked guilty, as well she might. 19. do well by somebody informal to treat someone generously • • • COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 3)


prep/adj ▪ well before She’s been up since well before dawn. ▪ well after It was well after ten o”clock when we arrived. ▪ well above The school’s performance was well above average. ▪ well below They earn well below $5 an hour. ▪ well short of This total falls well short of the sum required. ▪ well back Stand well back from the edge of the platform. ▪ well worth The book is well worth reading. ▪ well aware I am well aware of the risks involved. ▪ well able/capable She is well able to look after herself. ▪ well underway The work on the extension is well underway.II.wellgocnhintangphat.com S1 W1 BrE AmE interjection 1. EMPHASIZING SOMETHING used to emphasize something you are saying: Well, I think it’s a good idea anyway. Well, I’ve had enough and I’m going home! ‘James doesn’t want to come to the cinema with us.’ ‘Well then, let’s go on our own.’ gocnhintangphat.com. PAUSING used to pause or give yourself time to think before saying something: Well, let’s see now, I could meet you on Thursday. 3. ACCEPTING A SITUATION (also oh well) used to show that you accept a situation even though you feel disappointed or annoyed about it: Well, I did my best – I can’t do any more than that. Oh well, we’ll just have to cancel the holiday, I suppose. 4. SHOWING SURPRISE (also well, well, (well)) used to express surprise or amusement: Well, so Steve got the job? Well, well, well, I didn’t think I’d see you here. 5. SHOWING ANGER used to express anger or disapproval: Well, she could at least have phoned to say she wasn’t coming! 6. FINAL REMARK used to show that you are about to finish speaking or doing something: Well, that’s all for today. Well, that’s the last one done. 7. EXPRESSING DOUBT used to show that you are not sure about something: ‘Will you be in on Friday evening?’ ‘Well, it depends.’ 8. CHANGING SOMETHING used to slightly change something that you have said: He’s rolling in money! Well, he’s got a lot more than me, anyway. 9. AGREEING very well formal used to show that you agree with an idea or accept a suggestion: ‘Very well,’ he said. ‘I accept.’ 10. CONTINUING A STORY used to continue a story you are telling people, especially in order to make it seem more interesting: You know that couple I was telling you about the other day? Well, last night I saw a police car in front of their house! 11. ASKING A QUESTION Well? used to ask someone to answer a question you have asked them, when you are angry with them: Well? What have you got to say for yourself?III.

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well3 S1 Wgocnhintangphat.com BrE AmE adjective (comparative better, superlative best) 1. healthy: ‘How are you?’ ‘Very well, thanks.’ I don’t feel very well. You’re looking very well. I hope you get well again soon. gocnhintangphat.com. it’s just as well (that) spoken used to say that things have happened in a good or fortunate way: It’s just as well I kept some money aside for emergencies. 3. it’s/that’s all very well, but … spoken used to say that something seems to be a good idea, but is not really possible or helpful: It’s all very well the doctors telling me I’ve got to rest, but who’s going to look after my children? 4. that’s/it’s all well and good spoken especially British English used to say that something is good or enjoyable, but it also has some disadvantages: Going off on foreign holidays is all well and good, but you’ve got to get back to reality sometime. 5. it might/would be as well spoken used to give someone advice or make a helpful suggestion: It might be as well to make him rest for a few days. 6. all is well/all is not well formal used to say that a situation is satisfactory or not satisfactory: All is not well with their marriage. 7. all’s well that ends well used to say that a difficult situation has ended with a good result. It is the title of a humorous play by William Shakespeare about the relationship between the two main characters, Helena and Bertram. • • • THESAURUS ▪ healthy having good health: A good diet keeps you healthy. | They tested the drug on healthy volunteers. ▪ well used especially when describing or asking about how someone feels or looks: I don’t feel well. | How was James – did he look well? ▪ fine spoken used in a reply to a question about your health, or when talking about someone else’s health. Use fine only in replies, not in questions or statements: ‘Hi, Tom, how are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ | She had a bad cold, but she’s fine now. ▪ all right/OK spoken not ill or injured. These expressions are very commonly used in everyday spoken English: You look pale – are you feeling all right? | He’s had an accident but he’s OK. ▪ better less ill than you were, or no longer ill: I’m feeling a lot better now. | Don’t come back to school until you’re better. ▪ fit healthy, especially because you exercise regularly: She keeps fit by cycling everywhere. | Police officers have to be physically fit and have good eyesight. ▪ in (good) shape healthy and fit: Jogging keeps me in pretty good shape. ▪ robust literary healthy and strong, and not likely to become ill: He had a robust constitution (=a strong and healthy body). | robust plants | a robust girl, wearing a thick woollen sweater ▪ be/look a picture of health to look very healthy: She looked a picture of health as she posed for the cameras.IV.well4 BrE AmE noun 1. a deep hole in the ground from which people take water: She lowered her bucket into the well. gocnhintangphat.com. an ↑oil well 3. the space in a tall building where the stairs areV.

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well5 BrE AmE (also well up) verb literary 1. if a liquid wells or wells up, it comes to the surface of something and starts to flow out: I felt tears well up in my eyes. gocnhintangphat.com. if a feeling wells or wells up in you, you start to feel it strongly: Anger welled up within him.w\wellhu


wellA well is a deep hole in the ground from which you get water.◎※nội động từ ■(+ up, out, forth) phun ra, vọt ra, tuôn ra (nước, nước mắt, máu) tears welled from he eyes; tears welled up in her eyes nước mắt cô ta tuôn ra phó từ better; best ■tốt, giỏi, hay to work well làm việc giỏi to sing well hát hay to sleep well ngủ tốt (ngon) very well tốt lắm, hay lắm, giỏi lắm, được lắm to treat someone well đối xử tốt với ai to think well of someone nghĩ tốt về ai to speak well of someone nói tốt về ai to stand well with someone được ai quý mến well done! hay lắm! hoan hô! well met! ồ may quá, đang muốn gặp anh đấy! ■phong lưu, sung túc to live well in… sống sung túc (phong lưu) ở… to do well làm ăn khấm khá phát đạt to be well off phong lưu, sung túc ■hợp lý, chính đáng, phải, đúng you may well say so anh có thể nói như thế được lắm he did well to return it nó đem trả lại cái đó là phải lắm ■nhiều to stir well xáo động nhiều to be well on in life không còn trẻ nữa, đã luống tuổi rồi ■kỹ, rõ, sâu sắc to know someone well biết rõ ai rub it well hãy cọ thật kỹ cái đó the aggressors ought to be well beaten before they give up their scheme phải đánh cho bọn xâm lược một trận nên thân trước khi chúng từ bỏ âm mưu as well cũng, cũng được, không hại gì you can take him as well anh có thể đưa nó đi với you may as well begin at once anh có thể bắt đầu ngay cũng được as well as như, cũng như, chẳng khác gì by day as well as by night ngày cũng như đêm và còn thêm we gave him money as well as food chúng tôi cho nó tiền và còn thêm cái ăn nữa pretty well hầu nhưtính từ better; best ■tốt; tốt lành things are well with you anh được mọi sự tốt lành; mọi việc của anh đều ổn cả ■tốt, hay, đúng lúc, hợp thời, nên, cần it”s well that you have come anh đến thật là tốt it would be well to start early có lẽ nên ra đi sớm ■khoẻ, mạnh khoẻ, mạnh giỏi to feel quite well cảm thấy rất khoẻ to get well đã khỏi (người ốm) ■may, may mắn it was well for him that nobody saw him may mà không ai thấy nó it”s (that”s) all very well but… (mỉa mai) hay đấy, nhưng…thán từ ■quái, lạ quá (dùng để diễn đạt sự ngạc nhiên) well, who would have thought it would happen? quái!, ai nào có tưởng là việc ấy có thể xảy ra được? ■ôi, may quá (dùng để diễn đạt sự khây khoả) well, thank goodness that”s ober! ôi ơn chúa việc đó cũng đã qua! well, here we are last! may quá cuối cùng chúng tôi cũng đã đến đây! ■đấy, thế đấy well, here we are at last đấy, cuối cùng chúng ta đã đến đây ■thế nào, sao well what about it? thế nào, về điểm ấy thì nghĩ sao? well then? rồi sao? ■thôi, hết rồi (dùng để diễn đạt sự cam chịu) (như) oh well well, such is life! thôi, đời là thế! oh well, there”s nothing we can do about it thôi, chúng ta chẳng thể làm gì được nữa ■thôi được (dùng khi (như) ợng bộ một điểm trong tranh luận..) well, you may be right! thôi được, có thể là anh đúng! well, well, don”t cry! thôi nào, thôi nào, đừng khóc nữa! ■được rồi (dùng để diễn đạt sự đồng ý hoặc hiểu) (như) very well very well, then. I”ll accept your offer được rồi, tôi sẽ chấp thuận đề nghị của anh ■nào (dùng khi muốn tiếp tục câu chuyện.. hoặc thay đổi đề tài sau khi tạm ngưng) well, as I was saying… nào, như tôi vừa mới nói… well, let”s move on to the next item nào, chúng ta hãy chuyển sang mục tiếp theo ■ờ, vậy thì (dùng để diễn đạt sự ngần ngại, nghi ngờ..) “do you want to come? ” well – I”m not sure anh có muốn đến không? ờ – tôi cũng chưa chắc nữa well I never (did)! (thông tục) thế cơ à! (dùng (như) một lời cảm thán diễn đạt sự ngạc nhiên thú vị hoặc phiền muộn)danh từ ■điều tốt, điều hay, điều lành, điều thiện to wish someone well chúc ai gặp điều tốt lành to let well alone đã tốt rồi không phải xen vào nữa; đừng có chữa lợn lành thành lợn quèdanh từ ■giếng (nước, dầu…) to bore a well khoan giếng to sink a well đào giếng ■(nghĩa bóng) nguồn (cảm hứng, hạnh phúc) ■(kiến trúc) lồng cầu thang ■lọ (mực) ■(hàng hải) khoang cá (trong thuyền đánh cá); buồng máy bơm (trên tàu) ■chỗ ngồi của các luật sư (toà án) ■(hàng không) chỗ phi công ngồi ■(địa lý,địa chất) nguồn nước, suối nước ■(ngành mỏ) hầm, lò

Chuyên mục: Định Nghĩa