Bạn đang xem: Withdrawal là gì


withdrawal /wi “dr : l/ danh từ sự rút khỏi sự rút ra sự rút quân sự rút lui (ý kiến) (pháp lý) sự rút (đn kiện…) (pháp lý) sự huỷ bỏ; sự thu hồi (sắc lệnh…)
rútunscheduled withdrawal: sự rút ra không định trước (các thanh điều khiển)withdrawal of casing: sự rút ống chốngwithdrawal of casing sea: sự rút của biểnwithdrawal simptoms: hội chứng rút thuốcwithdrawal sleeve: ống lót rút tháo đượcLĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệusự lấy đisự rút điheat withdrawaltản nhiệtheat withdrawalthải nhiệtmoisture withdrawalhút ẩmmoisture withdrawalkhử ẩmmoisture withdrawalsự hút ẩmmoisture withdrawalsự khử ẩmwithdrawal currentdòng thu hồiwithdrawal eyevòng móc tháo (thiết bị gia công chất dẻo)withdrawal forkcần nhả ly hợp (dạng nĩa)withdrawal loadlực chống nhổ của đinhwithdrawal loadtải trọng nhổ (cọc)withdrawal mechanismcơ cấu lùi (dao)withdrawal of fixed assetssự thu hồi vốn cố địnhwithdrawal of floating assetssự thu hồi vốn lưu độngwithdrawal plateđĩa góp (lọc dầu)withdrawal settlementsự trả tiềnwithdrawal test of pilethí nghiệm nhổ cọcwithdrawal tooldụng cụ tháowithdrawal toolkìm nhổwithdrawal tubeống chiếtcác khoản tiền rút rahủy bỏvoluntary withdrawal: hủy bỏ tự nguyệnrút tiền rasự rút tiền vềsự rút vềthu hồiwithdrawal from circulation: sự thu hồi tiền lưu thôngtriệt tiêuautomatic withdrawalrút tiền tự độngcash withdrawalsự rút tiền mặtearly withdrawal penaltytiền phạt rút tiền trước thời hạnnegotiable order of withdrawallệnh rút tiền lưu thôngnegotiable order of withdrawal accounttài khoản NOWphantom withdrawalrút tiền lénphantom withdrawalrút tiền ma quáiwithdrawal noticegiấy báo rút tiềnwithdrawal noticephó phiếu (măng-đa)withdrawal of capitalsự rút vốn vềwithdrawal plancác khoản rút tiềnwithdrawal settlementquyết toán tiền nong khi thôi việcwithdrawal slipphiếu rút tiềnwithdrawal slipphiếu rút tiền (ngân hàng) o sự rút đi, sự rút khỏi, sự bị rút khỏi; sự thu hồi o sự khử, sự lấy đi § withdrawal of casing : sự rút ống chống § withdrawal of the sea : sự rút của biển
Từ điển chuyên ngành Pháp luật
: Sự rút đơn kiện Từ bỏ hoặc ngưng khiếu nại, kiện tụng

Từ điển Collocation
withdrawal noun
1 removing/leaving
ADJ. imminent | immediate, rapid, sudden | gradual, phased | complete, full, total, unconditional, wholesale | partial | strategic, tactical | voluntary | ignominious The UN were faced with an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence. | military, troop
VERB + WITHDRAWAL call for, demand The party is calling for the phased withdrawal of troops from the island. | agree to | announce | make The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.
PREP. ~ by a withdrawal by government troops | ~ from the army”s withdrawal from the occupied territories
2 from a bank account
ADJ. cash
PREP. ~ from She made a withdrawal of £250 from her bank account.
3 stopping
ADJ. alcohol, drug
PREP. ~ from She was still suffering withdrawal from nicotine.
Từ điển WordNet
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the act of taking out money or other capitalthe act of withdrawing
Investopedia Financial Terms
Removing funds from an account, plan, pension or trust. In some cases, conditions must be met in order to withdraw funds without penalization. There are two waysto withdraw money: in cash or in kind.
Withdrawal can be done over a period of time in fixed or variable amounts or inone lump sum. Penalization for early withdrawal usually ariseswhen a clause in an investment contract is broken. Cash withdrawal requires converting the holdings of an account, plan, pension or trust into cash, usually through a sale. In kind withdrawal is simply taking possession of assets and does not require conversion to cash.
AnnuitizationChristmas ClubDistribution in KindLiquidationPayment In-Kind – PIKSystematic Withdrawal Plan – SWPSystematic Withdrawal ScheduleWithdrawal Plan
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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary
withdrawalssyn.: backdown climb-down detachment drug withdrawal secession
Chuyên mục: Định Nghĩa